1) Definitions:

"I.C.H.E." stands for International Conference on Higher Education.
"President", "Honorary President" and "Secretary General" stand for the President, Honorary President and Secretary General of the I.C.H.E., respectively.
"One year" indicates the period between two meetings of the Conference, which may be more or less than 365 days.
"Bureau" means Bureau of the I.C.H.E..
2) Purpose:

The purpose of the I.C.H.E. is to bring together academic executives, academics and others interested in higher education at regular meetings, normally once a year, to discuss different aspects of higher education including problems, their solutions, and any other aspects which may be felt relevant.
3) Steering Committee:

The Steering Committee is the principal organ of the I.C.H.E. and is composed of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of fifteen (15) members, including the President, Honorary President, Secretary General and the Local Organizer of the current Conference, who shall be ex-officio members. The Executive Officers of the previous Conferences shall continue as ex-officio members. The Executive Officers of the previous Conferences shall continue as ex-officio members of the Steering Committee unless they are absent without acceptable justification from two consecutive Conferences. The presence of seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of those present, except in the case of changes to the Statutes which two-thirds of those present must approve.

The functions of the Steering Committee shall be:

a) to elect the President and the Secretary General, each for a period of three (3) years, whose mandate may be extended.

b) to designate the responsible officer of the forthcoming Conference(s), who shall act as the Executive Officer of the Conference(s).

c) to designate the site of the next Conference or Conferences on the recommendation of the President and in consultation with the Honorary President and the Secretary General.

d) to co-opt new members of the Steering Committee, who shall normally be the Executive Officers of the recent Conferences.

e) to establish the subscription fees for the next Conference.

f) to decide on the main theme of the next Conference or Conferences.

g) to designate the keynote speakers for the next Conference or Conferences.

h) to appoint an Honorary President of the I.C.H.E. in case of resignation of the current Honorary President or his/her inability to continue as a member of the Steering Committee

i) to elect one (1) or two (2) members from its membership who, in addition to the Honorary President, President, Secretary General and Executive Officer of the Conference, shall form the bureau of the I.C.H.E., which in the interval between two Conferences shall exercise such powers as may be delegated to it by the Steering Committee.
4) President:

The President represents the I.C.H.E. and in this capacity presides at meetings of the Steering Committee and the Bureau.. The President shall, in consultation with the Honorary President and Secretary General, solicit invitations for later Conferences and shall seek the approval of the Bureau, if necessary by mail poll. The President shall take measures to ensure that the I.C.H.E. adheres to the purpose of its establishment.
5) Secretary General:

The Secretary General shall be appointed by the Steering Committee for a period of three (3) years, and shall be in charge of the secretariat, documentation and financial matters of the organization. The Secretary General shall appoint a Local Organizer at the site of the Conference who shall be in charge of local arrangements as prescribed by the Secretary General.
6) Executive Officer of the Conference:

The Executive Officer of the Conference shall be appointed by the Steering Committee, the term of office being until the end of the following Conference, after which he/she shall continue as a member of the Steering Committee subject to the approval of the Steering Committee and provided that the number of members shall not exceed 15. The Executive Officer of the Conference shall be responsible for the organization of the Conference and shall form an advisory committee whose members shall be consulted with respect to the papers proposed for presentation during the Conference. In case of the inability to participate of a keynote speaker, the Executive Officer of the Conference shall be authorized to invite a substitute speaker after consultation with the President.
7) Language:

The language to be used in I.C.H.E. meetings, correspondence and publications shall be English.
*As amended by the Steering Committee during its meetings in Prague, 27-28 August 1999.